
Showing posts from September, 2020

What interesting things/skills have you learned in photography in this Lockdown 2020 (what we up-skilled to our Future generation)

  This lockdown has taken an interesting turn on so many levels. People, to beat boredom have been trying something new, some new skill every day.   These past few months which started as a beginner’s period for so many in their interested fields and hobbies has ended with them turning into experts of any kind. Photography is one such field which may have started as a hobby but now, people from all over the globe have their own Instagram pages for Photography and even Behance Portfolios.   Ambitions4 aims to continue this streak of photographic exploration and train students with a variety of photographic courses. These photographic courses focus on shaping one’s ideas and visions while directing the proper use of a camera with many hidden techniques. The photographic training at Ambitions4 specializes in any field of photography the student wishes to take forth in their future. The best part about these courses is that most of these photographic training sessions are held a

How can I keep my photography hobby during a lockdown?

The coronavirus outburst has the globe on lock-down. This has become a photographer’s frightening situation. Landscape, street, nature, and event photography are very limited, and often near impracticable. But this doesn’t mean we can’t stay artistic when restricted to our homes. If you need some tips to stay dynamic and inspired as a photographer during the COVID-19 quarantine, we are here to give you some enormous guidelines and ideas in our photography class . We’ve been hiding at the back walls too, but this doesn’t mean our photography career is on the arrest. On the contrary, the condition has hard-pressed us to conduct weekend courses that would help you to learn and find grand images in otherwise ordinary subjects. We are polishing the eye for a masterpiece, thinking outside the box, taking immense photos, and even making money. We know you can’t precisely be receiving visitors at home, but shooting portraits can be a very profitable business and you are home doing nothi


  People of all age groups get excited over one aspect of life; Weekends. Weekends come so everyone could relax and try out things which couldn’t be done during the weekdays. Photography happens to be one such feature that starts out as a hobby over the weekends but soon grows into a passion we chase. Taking out a camera and clicking pictures is easy but it doesn’t encapsulate the entire art of photography. If this lockdown has taught us one thing, it is that inspiration for photography can be found anywhere. However, after the lockdown, it is going to be an entirely different scenario. The streets are going to be busy again but with precaution. People are going to meet again but with a hidden smile. Though this is a drastic change for our lifestyle, creativity, and inspiration for photography buzz all around. Ambitions4 is here to help people with a burning passion for photography, catch the path to become a Master Photographer. Ambitions4 believes in kindling your curiosit