
Learn Digital Photography to improve your Art

Digital Photography offer a great way to learn more about this fascinating art form. They can provide an introduction to the basics of composition and lighting, or more advanced lessons on image post-processing and fine art printing. Regardless of your level of experience or interest, our digital photography courses out there that can help you take your skills to the next level. In addition to technical skills, our online classes can also teach you how to see the world around you in a new way.     Through lectures and exercises, you'll learn how to find beauty in the everyday moments that most people overlook. This new perspective can be applied to your personal life as well as your photography, resulting in more meaningful images and a greater appreciation for the world around you. Whether you're looking to improve your technique or broaden your horizons, enrolling in a Digital Photography courses is a great way to invest in your passion.  Photographer working on image post p

How to use WB shift in your Camera?

  This video helps you to get correct colors in photos by understanding the concept of white balance shift and using it effectively in your camera. We have explained all the technical aspects and effective use of 'white balance shift' through a lot of examples. To know more about White Balance controls, Kelvin white balance, custom white balance, you can check out my other videos. Photography Courses PG Diploma in Photography Basic Photography Techniques

The Photographer's Wife! - a Valentine's day special

The Photographer's Wife! - a Valentine's day special 2021 video  diploma photography digital photography coaching

A Few Become Many: Photo walk on Mahabalipuram’s Shore Temple.

  A SUV from Chennai to Mahabalipuram used to pack at best two people from   Ambitions4 Photography Academy   on its way for an early morning Photo walk in Mahabalipuram. The story this time was different.  There were 9 seats in the car including the one behind the steering wheel and there were 14 applicants for it.   After filtering out the crowd, we set out with 7 enthusiastic students and 2 staffs on what seemed to be an overcast morning. Rain teased us again but stayed out during the best parts of the day.   A 50km drive on OMR/ECR on Sunday mornings with other motorheads is an event by itself but with Horse blinkers on we were headed straight to Mahabalipuram where our beloved photo walkers were gathering looking forward to an exciting three hours. Fun Fact on the way: Fastags aren’t implemented on the State Highways yet. Food takes precedence to all the above. A dosa & coffee stop was made, and we headed towards the gates of shore temple with happy stomachs. W

Which one is good RAW or JPEG ?

  RAW மற்றும் JPEG பற்றிய சரியான புரிதல் …. போட்டோகிராபியில் அடுத்த நிலைக்கு உயர மிக மிக அவசியம் . பல வேளைகளில் , பல போட்டோக்ராராபர்கள் RAW வில் எடுத்தாலே படங்கள் சிறப்பாக வரும் என்று நினைத்து RAW வில் எடுத்து அதை பிராஸிங் செய்யாமல் JPEG ஆ மாத்தி பயன்படுத்துகிறார்கள் . அதற்க்கு பதிலா JPEG யிலேயே நேரடியாக கேமெராவில் எடுத்துவிட்டு போகலாம் . RAW பிராஸிங் செய்யாமல் , JPEG மாற்றம் செய்யப்படும் படங்களுக்கு RAW வின் பயன் கிடைக்காது . எனவே RAW மற்றும் JPEG ன் தனித்தன்மைகள் தெறியாமல் , இந்த தேர்வினை செய்ய முடியாது . அதற்காக எல்லா படங்களையும் RAW வில் தான் எடுக்க வேணும் என்ற அவசியமும் கிடையாது . இந்த வீடியோவில் RAW மற்றும் JPEG இன் முழுமையான விளக்கத்தை தெளிவாக புரியும்படி சொல்லியிருக்கிறேன் . பொறுமையாக , முழுவதும் கடைசிவரை பார்த்து பயன் அடையுங்கள் .