Official Photographer

1.       Ambitions 4 Photography Academy has been the gateway for many talented Photography enthusiasts to explore and develop their passion to another level. We are happy that we have spawned several success stories through our versatile photography courses and hope to inspire, nurture and train professional photographers to be better than the rest. Some of the prestigious alumni that have trained under the aegis of KL. Raja Ponsing and have made a mark in the realm of Commercial Photography are listed here – Mobin Jacob Kurien (Commercial Photographer & Official Photographer for Mercedes Benz India 2013), Ahmed Razmi  (FIA accredited F1 Photo Journalist), Badri  Narayanan (Cinematographer), Kekhriezhazo Miachiro (Photojournalist India Today). Since it is impossible to name all, these are just a few names in the vast ocean of accomplished photographers that have trained in the ropes of Ambitions 4 academy


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