Ambitions 4 – Online Photography Contest


 Rules and Regulations

        This photo competition is organized by Ambition 4 Photography Academy for the interest of photography enthusiasts and to promote the art of photography. The Images should be based on the themes provided for that month
  1. The images should be captured between the date of announcement of competition and the date of submission.
  2. Waters marks / names are not to be used on images
  3. One entry from a person for each topic
  4. Picture can be captured using any kind of camera
  5. Image size should not be more than 1MB Minimum size 800×600 pixels
  6. Images should contain all the exif data intact
  7. Images will be short listed by the jury and will be published in Ambitions 4 Photography Academy Facebook page for public voting.
  8. Winners of the month will be based on the maximum number of likes for the image.
  9. The shortlisting of the images will be based on the content value, aesthetics and technical quality of the images.
  10. The responsibility of copy-rights, legal issues and permission to share in the internet related to the subjects featured in the images will be with the participants.
  11. The organizers of the photo contest are not responsible for any issue related to the details mentioned in point eleven of this document.
  12. Images can be submitted by email: with the topic in the subject. Name, email, mobile number and contact details of the participant should be clearly mentioned in the contents. Entries without complete details will not be considered.
  13. The original/RAW files of the selected images should be mailed on request for verification.
  14. ‘Ambitions 4 Photography Academy’s Photographer of the Year’ will be selected from the winners of the twelve months.
  15. The decision of the organizers of the photo competition will be final in all awards and disputes
  16. The current full-time students of Ambitions 4 Photography Academy are not eligible to participate in this contest.


  • Grand Prize – Cash prize of Rupees fifteen thousand only will be awarded to the ‘Ambitions 4 Photography Academy’s Photographer of the Year’
  • Top three winners of the month will be eligible for 20% discount on the Basic DSLR weekend course fee at Ambitions 4 Photography Academy
  • Top five images of every month will be reviewed and featured in the Academy’s Blog in the website.


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