5 Tips to avoid camera shake


Camera shake or handshake is a basic problem in many of the beginner photos.
Use faster shutter speeds….this is decided based on the lighting condition and the focal length of the lens used.

·         1.Use is the shutter speed higher than the reciprocal of the focal length. Ie. If we are shooting with a 50mm range, the shutter speed has to be at least 1/60secs and 200mm range, then it should be 1/250secs

·         Use higher ISO settings.

·         Use a large aperture (f/4, f/2.8) settings

·         Use IS or VR options ON on your lens or the camera.

·         Use the camera on a sturdy tripod. When you are shooting in low light condition, and not able to stick on to the reciprocal principle.

·         For long exposure and bulb settings, use a remote shutter release to trigger the shutter button.

·         Use total flash exposure…flash can easily freeze the action


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